Join us at one of our events to learn more about Urban Snow, talk to our founders or experience skiing and riding in the city!

DIVERTSessions Santa Ana

Summer and Fall 2021, Santa Ana

We're proud to announce that we've partnered with DIVERT to bring skiing and riding to Santa Ana! Shred, surf and skate at the DIVERTSessions event opening Saturday, June 26th at the MainPlace Mall. Head over to DIVERTSessions to learn more and buy passes.

Past events

Thanks to everyone who has come out to our events. It's the great support from all of you that is making Urban Snow a reality!

Snowbomb San Francisco

November 4th and 5th 2017, San Francisco

Thanks to everyone who joined us at Snowbomb SF! The demo slope was out in full force. We're looking forward to seeing you again next year.

Snowbomb Santa Clara

October 28th and 29th 2017, Santa Clara

Thanks for joining us at the Santa Clara Snowbomb Ski and Snowboard Festival and helping us kick off our Kickstarter campaign!

September Meetup

September 17th 2017, Sunnyvale

At Urban Snow the ski season is already here! On September 17th we hosted our Community Ride Event and Rail Session. Everyone killed it! Check out some of the shots from the event below.

August Meetup

August 6th 2017, Sunnyvale
Think you can't ski and ride the South Bay in the middle of Summer? Check out these shots from our August meetup in Sunnyvale. The Urban Snow community came together to show everyone how it's done!

Burton West Coast Summer Sale

June 24th and 25th 2017, San Mateo
A lot of great deals and a lot of fun at the Buron West Coast Summer Sale! Great meeting everyone, and don't forget to sign up for our Meetup in August!

Contact Urban Snow

Photos by Jack Tompkins
and Harrison Atwood